Getting to work with previous clients again is always joy. Getting to work with previous clients and their horses...amazing! Throughout my journey as a photographer I have been asked to photograph some amazing things. Emily had reached out seeing that I was offering Fall Mini Sessions and asked if I was up for taking photos of her and her friend's horses. The answer was yes! I have to be honest though, I was nervous. I had never worked with horses yet photograph them with their riders. I was certainly excited to try something new! When the day came that I would photography the girls and their horses, I was so anxious excited! I was coming from another photoshoot that morning in Bridgewater, NJ and once that session was wrapped up I was on my way to Frenchtown, NJ. As I pulled up the most beautiful horses trotted up to the fence. I continued down the driveway and the gang was all there waiting for me. Emily had a wonderful Fall scene set up with hay bales and pumpkins and adding their horses was going to be perfect. We took a few photos by the set up and we then moved to a more secluded area with a bit more shade. I worked with Allison and her horse first. I could instantly feel the connection between these two. Next it was Emily's turn and there is no denying the bond between a horse and their owner. Towards the end of the session Emily offered to let me ride her horse bareback! I had never been on a horse but raved about my latest favorite show, Heartland. Emily and her horse were so wonderful! After taking photos of the girls and their horses, I could truly feel that the bond between them was more than just trust, it was companionship and love.