I first met Simona during the summer writing and photography workshop I had co-hosted with LeighAnn. Simona was so friendly from the start and instantly started chatting about school as we both work in the same school district! I also learned that she knew one of my cousins that lives in Kingwood, NJ. It really is a small world! When Simona realized that in addition to photograping nature, I also photograph families she shared that she would keep me in mind for the future. Well fast-forward a few months and I began advertising my Fall Mini Sessions and I get a DM on my instagram account. I was estatic that Simona wanted to chat and have me take her family's photos. She expressed that she wanted a place close to her family's home and I knew the perfect place instantly, the Hunterdon County Arboretum. The last time that I had been there was when I was a little girl in Girl Scouts but always remembered its beauty and the treehouse! I told Simona that they had a treehouse and she agreed that the location was perfect. It was a beautful Saturday morning and the park was quiet, which is the way I like it. We quickly got settled into the vibe of the session and pictures were turning out great. After taking some photos under a beautiful red maple we transitioned to the treehouse and the kids were amazed. Her two kids ran up ahead and could not stop smiling and exploring. The photos I captured with the kids and the treehouse is what childhood should be about-laughter, exploration and fun! This session with the Moss family was absolutely wonderful and it was the perfect morning at the park.