The Clinton Red Mill, New Jersey

Living in New Jersey one certainly knows about the historic and iconic Clinton Red Mill with its picturesque waterfall and it's bright red color. The Vala and Wintermute family are not strangers to this area as Sue and her brother grew up on her family's farm just up the road in Pittstown. Choosing to come to Clinton and have the Red Mill as our backdrop was an easy decision. In addition to choosing the Red Mill, Sue had another special request. Taking pictures with a fire truck! Of course I was happy to oligue. When she mentioned this to me I immediately thought of the traditional red fire truck that we see barraling down the highway. No, this firetruck was a beautiful red and gold and was historic to the town. Sue's Dad, brother and nephew are all proud firemen. Having the fire truck there meant a great deal to the entire family. I had arrived early to Clinton to make sure all was set and praying the weather would hold. Before I knew it I saw Sue's brother driving, yes driving the fire truck with the Fire Chief escorting him! It all felt so surreal and like I was on a movie set. I could not wait to use the Red Mill and the historic Clinton Fire Truck as back drops for their family photos.